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The Akey Lab is located in the Department of Genome Sciences. At the University of Washington. Here you can find information about current research projects, present and past members of the lab, publications, and obtain software and supplementary data related to our work. We are broadly interested in applying experimental, computational, and theoretical approaches to better understand the biology and evolution of genomes. Second, what is the mechanistic basis of evolutionary change? Akey Lab in the News.
We are interested in discovering new roles for RNA. We study all aspects of the RNA life cycle, from splicing to translation to degradation. Our broad goal is to uncover new biological phenomena that are relevant to the initiation, progression, or treatment of diseases such as leukemia and muscular dystrophy. We are located at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Jacob Polaski receives CMCTG fellowship.
The Bruce Lab at the University of Washington is focused on development and application of advanced mass spectrometry technology for biological, biophysical and biochemical studies. We specialize in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry for proteomics, biological and biomedical applications. In Vivo Conformational Dynamics of Hsp90 and Its Interactors.
Chimpanzee and human segmental duplications. Result of this analysis is published here. Four independent duplication analyses were performed and the duplication coordinates mapped back against human genome reference sequence for each chromosome. UCSC Human Genome Browser Mirror.
The Computational Molecular Biology program is the cooperative effort of ten outstanding research departments at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Benjamin Vernot is lead author on paper in.
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Spółdzielnia zapewnia miejsca pracy dla ok. Rozwinięta jest działalność socjalna, z której korzystają zarówno pracownicy, emeryci i renciści.
다양한 요구에 부응하기 위하여 설비를 증설 보완하였습니다. 1993년 창립 이래 지금까지 금성산업이 지속적인 성장과 발전을 거듭할수 있도록 성원하여 주신 고객과 협력 업체 직원분들께 대단히 감사드립니다. 01 대전 동구 하소동 확장 이전 2000. 09 충남 연기군 금남면 영곡리 확장이전 2002. 오시는 길 - 대전 충남 사. 금성산업오시는길 대전 충남 사출 금형 금성산업 041-753-7200 오 . 제품 소개 - 충남 사출 금형. 대전 충남 사출 금형 금성산업 041-753-7200 .